Happy [Belated] Birthday to the Eternal Butterfly

*cue Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday*

On August 12, 2019, my first blog post went live. After years of doubting myself and my abilities, I finally started this blog. Wow, it's really been a WHOLE year and some change. For years I wanted to start a blog but I doubted my writing abilities and even wondered who would even want to ready anything I wrote. Well here I am a year later, still writing about my life's lessons and blessings, and random experiences that need to be shared. 

I started this blog because I enjoy writing. Writing is one of the very first coping skills I developed as a child. I have many a journals that served as a safe space for my thoughts. Whether it was about my day, something I was dealing with in life, or some knuckle headed boy I was deep in like with, I always turned to writing. *cue Moesha diary writing music* At some point in my life, writing felt like all I had. For years my writing consisted of feeling alone and being broken-hearted. At some point my writing habits slowed, I was only writing about the darkest and lowest moments in my life and I eventually writing all together. No poems, no journal entries, shoot you couldn't even get me to write a to do list. But eventually, I returned to my safe space. It started with sporadic journal entries and random poems about whatever healing needed to take place (that I wasn't actively working towards). Then it gave birth to this blog. I've always had a lot to talk about (ask my former teachers) and I'm glad I stepped out of my fear and into discomfort to share my thoughts with people.  

Since starting this blog, I've battled with what's too much information and what's worth sharing. I am glad that people have related to my writing. For me, it's not just writing though. It's me. Every time I write, I'm pulling from my heart and experiences and sometimes it's nothing to me and other times it takes me a moment to get it together because: vulnerability. I believe this blog has opened up a new level of vulnerability with me that ain't too bad. It's provided healing in areas of my life that I didn't know needed healing. I want to thank everyone who encouraged me to write, everyone who reads and shared my posts. I don't pay too much attention to the stats of my posts, but it does feel good when I get a lot of traffic on the posts that I hold near to my heart. 

I don't think I ever explained the meaning behind the name The Eternal Butterfly. For starters, Butterfly is the nickname given to me by one of my very best friends. Too make a long story short and a deep story shallow, I am The Eternal Butterfly. As I walk through this life journey, I am sometimes a caterpillar and sometimes a butterfly. I am steady healing, learning, growing, and evolving. And as I continue to change, I share that with here. 

As I step into the second year of The Eternal Butterfly, I hope I continue to write stories that you want to read and share with your communities. I want this blog to be a safe and communal space for everyone who needs it. I want to hear more from you because I don't think this blog is just for or about me! I want to know what you relate to, what posts speak to you the most, what was hard to read, and what more you want to see from me. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading about my transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. 



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