
Showing posts from September, 2019


Hair. Hurr. 😂 Google says that hair is any of the threadlike strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals. Also, hairs collectively, especially those growing on a person's head. I have a complex relationship with my hair. I think most women do, especially Black women. My earliest memories of my disdain for my hair are sitting at the stove in front of my mother while she took a hot comb through my kinky, coily hair. This process was THE WORST. For those of you reading this that don't know what a hot comb is, here's the definition . My memories may be a little fuzzy, but I think this was a weekly routine, getting my hair straightened on Sunday evenings so my hair wouldn't have to be done throughout the week. I'm pretty sure my granny played a part in this too, bumping my ends Sunday morning before church. I wasn't a fan of this, but as a child how are you supposed to tell you granny no? You don't! Maybe this will help you get...


Change. By definition it means to make or become different. It's inevitable. It is the only thing in this world that is constant. I'm experiencing some major changes in my life. I just left my full time job and moved across the country to be a full time graduate student. Crazy, right? That in itself is A LOT of change at one time. What this change looks like for me: Moving away from my family and friends AKA my immediate support system  Moving to a southern state where I know ABSOLUTELY no one. Not working full time.  Depending on others a lot more than I am used to. (This is a BIG one)  Dying my hair again, because why not.  Letting go of the past.  HUGE leap of faith.  Embracing the future. Pursuing my dreams.  Starting over. Humbling myself financially. Physically missing out on celebratory events in my loved ones' lives. Not going to a pole fitness class once a week :( NOT KNOWING WTH IS GOING ON I would be lying if I sa...