Hair. Hurr. 😂 Google says that hair is any of the threadlike strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals. Also, hairs collectively, especially those growing on a person's head. I have a complex relationship with my hair. I think most women do, especially Black women. My earliest memories of my disdain for my hair are sitting at the stove in front of my mother while she took a hot comb through my kinky, coily hair. This process was THE WORST. For those of you reading this that don't know what a hot comb is, here's the definition . My memories may be a little fuzzy, but I think this was a weekly routine, getting my hair straightened on Sunday evenings so my hair wouldn't have to be done throughout the week. I'm pretty sure my granny played a part in this too, bumping my ends Sunday morning before church. I wasn't a fan of this, but as a child how are you supposed to tell you granny no? You don't! Maybe this will help you get...