

According to Urban Dictionary, Tiana means the following "Tiana is the one you think is shy; she's beautiful but doesn't know it. She is incredibly gifted, but she never brags. 

She is the greatest friend you could ever ask for. Tiana is always there to listen and doesn't take a good friend for granted. She will always treat you well. Tiana has respect for herself as well as others, and she is always thinking of others. She is the most loving person you know. Tiana is forgiving, but she won't be pushed around. She is strong in her values, but she won't shove her beliefs down your throat. Tiana is you favorite person. She is the one you have a millions inside jokes with. She's the one you always want to be around. She's the one you laugh with every second you are together. Once you have a Tiana in your life, never let her go because you'll never find one just like her."

Oh, Tiana is of Latin and Russian origin, meaning Princess. 

I should leave it at that because I think that's pretty accurate, but I won't leave y'all hanging like that. 

If you don't know by now, I'm Tiana. This is my blog The Eternal Butterfly. On this blog, I will share myself with you all. All of me, unfiltered, unashamed and unapologetic. With that said, I'll give you a little insight into who I am.

I am 26 years old. I'm my mother's only child and my father's second. I was born and raised in St. Louis, Mo by my mother and the rest of my village. I also spent about half my time growing up on the east side of the Mississippi, better known as East St. Louis. My family is my everything. 

My granny took me to church whenever I was with her, which was most weekends growing up. I guess you could call me a Christian, though I'm still figuring out what that means for me. In school, I always felt like the odd girl out. I was teased for many of things, the main being my gap. I was a smarty pants and teacher's pet. I went to college and graduated with a degree in mathematics and didn't have the slightest clue what I wanted to do afterwards. 

I went on to work at a boarding high school in the residence life department for 4 years. In those years, I lost myself and found myself a number of times. I took up some new hobbies like self-teaching myself how to play the guitar, pole dancing, working out and binge watching everything worthy of my time.

Anyways, here's some facts about me:

  • I like whiskey 
  • My love language is words of affirmation 
  • Personality type: ISFP-T
  • Twerking is my mating call. 
  • I LOVE the beach and all things water related. 
  • I speak sarcasm fluently. 
  • I'm the funniest person I know. 
  • I love math. 
  • I like to cook and bake, especially for loved ones. 
  • Chocolate is my weakness. 
Now, here I am beginning my graduate student career of applied mathematics at an HBCU. Still lost but more confident. I am writing and publicly sharing my thoughts with hopes that you can relate, which is weird btw. I hope that you find something on this blog that resonates with you in some way. And if not, that's okay because I ain't everybody's cup of whiskey. 

Be blessed now, ya hear?


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