

According the the second definition on Google, independent means "not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence".

I've prided myself in being able to provide all my needs and needs for quite some time now. But very recently it's been brought to my attention that I should allow others to do for me when they offer. I typically object and am very apprehensive of being given things without having asked for it or earned it. Especially when it's coming from men. Obviously rooted in some past trauma.

But the other part of it is control. I have to let go of the idea that I need to do everything for my needs and wants to be met. But it's scary, hell, terrifying even. It's a deeper level of trusting myself. Trusting that I have selected the best people who care about my needs and wants just as much as I do.

Anyways, I'm glad I've been made aware of this and with the current transition happening in my life I'm going to try to open myself up to receiving. I will not be naive in my dependence, but rather open to the blessings that will flow when I let go.


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