
Showing posts from April, 2023

Mind, Body, and Scale

Exercise is how I take care of my body. From birth, we are measured by a scale. It wasn't until last year that I realized that when I go to the doctor I could choose to get on the scale with my back facing the display. I started doing this to eliminate the power  the scale has had over me.  Back in 2020 when I went to my primary care doctor, I was told to try to lose ten pounds by my next visit. It was the first time I was told to something like that.  The one thing in my bathroom I avoid using. I didn't realize how much that affected me until recently in a therapy session.  The doctor from 2020 told me to take walks, for a half hour a few days a week, to help lose the weight . So, I did just that. I took walks multiple times a week outside in the middle of the summer in North Carolina. The number on the scale didn't change much over the next few months.  By 2021, I figured I would adjust my diet. I tried plant-based eating for about 3 months, with a seafood or...