
Showing posts from March, 2020

Grad School - Spring Semester

School is back in session! I came into this semester with my head held high and ready to do the work. the Then I started reading the syllabi, textbooks, and getting homework and got the reality knocked into me. But to be honest, this semester has been MUCH better than last semester for a number of reasons. I (may) have found my people. I am taking 3 classes on Monday and Wednesday from 4pm until 7:55pm. Now you may be wondering why I didn't just say 8pm, but we'll get back to that in a few. I also have class on Tuesday, which is a 50-minute problem session related to the proof course I'm taking.  Now let's get into these people whom I've been drawn to and vice versa. The proof class I'm taking is HARD y'all. To put it in perspective how hard this class is, there was eight of us to start, and now there's five. Our professor, a Black woman (side note: this the first Black woman I've had teach me math since my sophomore year of high school...